

We are quick to accept the facile and mendacious ideological veneer that is wrapped like a mantle around the shoulders of thorse who prosecute the war. In part we do this to avoid intervention, to give this kind of slaughter an historical inevitability it does not have, but also because the media and most of the politicians often lack the perspective and analysisi to debunk the myths served up by the opposing sides.


the myth that Yugoslavia, a country that Josip Broz Tito made an important player in international affairs, had failed to give its citizens a national identity.


But even then it is it reacting to a public that has changed its perception of war. The press usually does not lead.


The advent of photography and film did little to alter the incentive to boost morale, for the lie in war is almost always the lie of omission.


We are elevated above the multitude. We march toward nobility. And no society is immune.

訳者あとがきも最悪だ。どうしてこんな短いページで一知半解と下衆ぶりをアピールできるんだ? 魔法使いか?



The rage and extremism of the Islamic militants in Lebanon and the occupied territories in the West Bank and Gaza appear incomprehensible to the outside world. The wanton murder, the raw anti-Semitism, the callous disregard for human life, including the lives of children and other innocents, permit those on the outside to thrust these militant fighters in another moral universe, to certify them as incomprehensible.

But this branding of these militants as something less than human, as something that reasonable people cannot hope to understand, is possible only because we have ignored and disregarded the decades of repression, the crushing weight of occupation, the abject humiliation and violence, unleashed on Lebanese and Palestinians by Israel because of our silence and indifference. It is the Israeli penchant for violence and occupation that slowly created and formed these frightening groups.

The failure by the outside world to react to the years of brutal repression, the refusal by the United States to intercede on behalf of the occupied Lebanese and Palestinians, gradually formed and galvanized the radicals who now occupy the stage with Israel, answering death for death, atrocity for atrocity.

Those inside these zones of occupation pleaded over the years for help. We refused to listen. And once they burst through these barriers, enraged, bloodied, bent on revenge, we recoiled in horror, unable to see our complicity. We asked them to be quiet, to be reasonable, to calm down, and when they did not, their blood heated by years of abuse and neglect, we condemned them to their fate.

イスラエルは「被害者を演技することの無意味さ、恥辱を知っている」だって? いや、イスラエルは世界最高の演技者だ。自分たちをどのような姿で提示すればいいか誰よりも良く分かっている。

これがどれぐらい事実に基づいているか知らないが、訳者の語ったとおりだとしよう。この状況でポコット族がマサイ族に反抗したらどうだ? そんなのは「ポコット族内部の派閥抗争・利権抗争に過ぎない」し、ポコット族が「被害者を演技するのも戦闘の一手段」か? この訳者がイスラエルパレスチナ紛争について述べたことを適用すればそういうことになる。