
少し前のScotsmanの記事によると、スチュアート役はオーランド・ブルーム。3部構成で、1部がアフガニスタン踏破("The Places in Between"に相当)、2部がイラクでの経験("The Prince of the Marshes"に相当)、3部が現在外務省を辞めたスチュアートがアフガニスタンで立ち上げたNGOの話という感じになる予定。

"I'm a bit ambivalent about it. I think what my books are really about is my sense, in Afghanistan, of what culture outside Kabul seems to be like for a foreigner, and in Iraq to talk about why the coalition was so unsuccessful and the project so doomed.

"I try to keep myself out of the books, I don't talk about my own personality or life. I'm not quite sure how this could work."

However, "if it was something that was able to draw attention to the work of the charity in Kabul, it would be exciting."

His own role in Iraq is rather like "a bit part in The Office", he says.

"What you notice working in these countries is the amazing jargon of bureaucracies, the water-cooler politics. If you were able to convey that (in a film], get over a culture of PowerPoint presentation, you would begin to show an audience why something could be a catastrophe, without reducing it to saying everyone there is evil, or stealing money, or stupid."
