Ideology in arms: The emergence of Darfur's Janjaweed

Human Rights Watchダルフールに関するレポートを書いているJulie Flintと難民支援“産業”に対する苛烈な批判者として知られるAlex de Waal(経歴)の共著"Darfur: A Short History of a Long War"(9月出版?)からの抜粋。

A directive, published during the "critical stage" of 1998-99, laid out the aims and strategies of the movement in greater detail, and set a "target date" of 2020 for completion of its project. Invoking, for the first time, the name of the tribe of the Prophet Mohammad, this directive was entitled "Qoreish 2." The crux of Qoreishi ideology, a convergence of Arab supremacy and Islamic extremism, is that that those who trace their lineage to the Prophet are the true custodians of Islam and therefore entitled to rule Muslim lands. Adherents regard Sudan's riverine elite as "half-caste" Nubian-Egyptians and believe the country's only authentic Arabs are the Juhayna, the direct descendents of the Qoreish, who crossed the Sahara from Libya in the Middle Ages. They claim that these immigrants found an empty land stretching from the Nile to Lake Chad, and say this land should now be governed by their descendents - the present-day Abbala and Baggara Arabs.
ダルフールの正当な所有者は誰か?という点を巡って、イスラエル建国神話のようなPromised Land話をアラブ至上主義者が広めているということらしい。