Bin Laden's useful idiot?

Juan Cole先生のブログで知った。あまりに信じがたい失言なので思わずWhite Houseのページで真偽を確かめてしまった。公式のスピーチなので、ブッシュ個人の意見表明ではなく、スピーチライターが書いてこれっていうことなのか? 本当にそこまで理解力がないのか?


 That sort of scenario is precisely the propaganda message broadcast by the Jihadi websites in Iraq and the Arab world! They say that the US military occupation of Iraq, in alliance with Shiites, has turned the Sunni Arabs into Palestinians! Bush could not have handed the guerrillas a better rhetorical gift. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that DVD's of Bush's comments will be spread around as a recruiting tool for jihadis, and that US troops will certainly be killed as a result of this speech. You could say that the US military presence is already pretty unpopular in the Sunni Arab areas. But what of the progress in al-Anbar Province? Will Bush's speech help or hurt Sunni Arabs who want to ally with the US against the foreign Salafi Jihadis? Hurt, obviously.