

Q. You say you have a new theory about the brontosaurus.
A. Can I just say here, Chris, for one moment, that I have a new theory about the brontosaurus.
Q. Exactly. Well, what is it? …
A: Oh, what is my theory?
Q: Yes.
A: Oh, what is my theory, that it is. Well, Chris, you may well ask me what is my theory.
Q: I am asking.
A: Good for you. My word, yes. Well, Chris, what is it that it is―this theory of mine. Well, this is what it is―my theory that I have, that is to say, which is mine, is mine.
Q: Yes, I know it's yours. What is it?
A: Where? Oh, what is my theory? This is it. My theory that belongs to me is as follows. This is how it goes. The next thing I'm going to say is my theory. Ready?
Q: Yes.
A: … This theory goes as follows and begins now. All brontosauruses are thin at one end; much, much thicker in the middle; and then thin again at the far end.

Q: Please describe the mechanism that intelligent design proposes for how complex biological structures arose.
A: Well, the word "mechanism" can be used in many ways. … When I was referring to intelligent design, I meant that we can perceive that in the process by which a complex biological structure arose, we can infer that intelligence was involved …
Q: What is the mechanism that intelligent design proposes?
A: And I wonder, could―am I permitted to know what I replied to your question the first time?
Q: I don't think I got a reply, so I'm asking you. You've made this claim here (reading): "Intelligent design theory focuses exclusively on the proposed mechanism of how complex biological structures arose." And I want to know, what is the mechanism that intelligent design proposes for how complex biological structures arose?
A: Again, it does not propose a mechanism in the sense of a step-by-step description of how those structures arose. But it can infer that in the mechanism, in the process by which these structures arose, an intelligent cause was involved.


審問はこの調子で何ページも続く。ベーエはモンティ・パイソンのスケッチの学者のように、たわごとを次々と並べる──過程、知的活動、重要事実。どんな過程? どんな活動? どんな事実? 説明はなし。ベーエはデザイナーが「行動をおこした」というが、どんな行動なのかID論はつまびらかにしない。誰が生命をデザインしたかについてID論の見解はあるか? なし。方法については? 特になし。いつ起こった出来事なのか? 回答なし。バクテリアの鞭毛(ベーエお得意の話題)をデザイナーはどのようにして創造したのか? ベーエが言うには、デザイナーは「とにかく計画をね、実行に移したんですよ」。*1


*1:原文"somehow cause the plan to, you know, go into effect," 

*2:原文 "All intelligently designed things are brought about by an intelligent designer through a process of intelligently conducted design"