William Gibson "Spook Country"ISBN:0399154302

ギブスン新作出るのか……。New YorkerのBriefly Notedから。

わけがわからん。『パターン・レコグニション』はポスト9/11ものといいながら、そのへんは意識的にかわしていたが、今回は正面から扱うのかな。SF作家のポスト9/11ものというと、スターリング先生のポスト9/11コミックノベル"The Zenith Angle"を思い出すが……
追記。Washington Postに書評があった。こっちはストーリーがちゃんとわかる。しかし──

These disparate storylines ultimately converge around a single common goal: a mysterious cargo container that is moving, by a circuitous route, toward an unknown destination. The container and its contents comprise what Hitchcock -- whose name is invoked in the novel -- called a MacGuffin: the single, crucial element around which everything in the narrative revolves. (The use of such Hitchcockian devices, which include the high-tech sunglasses in Virtual Light and the mysterious footage in Pattern Recognition, has become a common motif in Gibson's fiction.)


*2:たぶんVolapuk encodingのことか。これはキリル文字が利用できない場合にラテン文字に変換する方法なので、原文にあるような"a Cyrillic-Latin amalgam"ではないと思う。





監督はテリー・ギリアム、ディック役は『サイドウェイ』・『アメリカン・スプレンダー』のポール・ジアマッティ。ジアマッティはなんでもディックの大ファンらしく、プロデューサーまで買って出たそうだ。"A Scanner Darkly"のオーディオブック(ASIN:073932392X)の朗読しているのもそういうわけなのか。
タイトルは"The Owl in Daylight"で、これはディックが亡くなったために未完で終わった作品。ディックの実人生とフィクション世界を混ぜ合わせたようなストーリーになるようだ。


タイトルは"JAMES TIPTREE, JR. The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon" ASIN:0312203853。著者はJulie Phillips。New York TimesSalonに書評が出ている。

Sheldon and her mother were very much alike -- but not exactly, and that difference seems to have been the source of her lifelong feeling of never quite coming into focus. As a little girl, she was the star of several children's books her mother wrote about their travels in Africa and Asia, books that featured Alice's own delightful illustrations. As a stylish debutante, she was photographed by admiring society journalists. Then she eloped with a bad-boy poet to live the boho life of a painter in 1930s California. Six stormy years of marriage ended in divorce, whereupon Sheldon joined the Army as one of the first WACs. She got into the burgeoning intelligence field known as photointerpretation (studying aerial reconnaissance photographs for enemy installations and activity). Stationed in Paris, she challenged an Army colonel to a game of chess, played blindfolded, beat him and shortly thereafter married him.

With her new husband, Huntington "Ting" Sheldon, Alice returned to the U.S. and the couple spent a few quiet years running (of all things) a chicken hatchery in New Jersey. In the 1950s, they moved to Washington to work for the CIA. Ting ranked high enough to sit in on National Security Council meetings with the president, but Alice soon got tired of photointerpretation and went back to school to study clinical psychology. She eventually earned her Ph.D., studying the effect of novelty on lab rats, and struck up a lifelong correspondence with the great psychologist Rudolf Arnheim.

Sheldon was a charismatic correspondent. (Under her own name she wrote fan letters to mainstream writers like Tom Wolfe and Italo Calvino; Calvino was so impressed he wrote back asking to see her stories, but she never responded.) Those who exchanged letters with Tiptree felt they really knew him, and both Russ and Le Guin have confessed to being more than a little in love with him. "Tiptree was a man designed by a woman," Phillips writes, "and that made him as appealing as any Darcy or Heathcliff."


前に感想書いたJon Courtenay Grimwoodの《アラベスク》3部作のしっかりした書評。感想書いた当時、特に調べないで書いたが、やっぱり『アレクサンドリア四重奏』は念頭にあったんだな。


あと面白そうなのは"Syriana""Jarhead"、もちろん"Munich"も。「黒い九月」に関してはアカデミー賞を受賞したドキュメンタリー"One Day in September"(IMDb)があるからそれもDVD化されるといいな。WOWOWでは放映されているらしいが(参照)。